The Clinic Blog

Self-Breast Exams and Breast Self Awareness

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Do you do self breast exams? If not do not feel ashamed there are many women that don’t. In fact the USPSTF and the ACOG no longer directly recommend monthly breast exams. Now the recommendation is breast self-awareness which focuses on having a sense of what is normal for you breasts so that you are aware of even small changes. Well what better way to be aware of your breasts than with periodic self-breast exams.

Personally in my practice I encourage women to try and do it 4 times a year. If you find anything abnormal or concerning don’t panic but do report your findings to your health care provider who might then perform a clinical-breast exam before considering any imaging studies

So what exactly is a self-breast exam: Check out my In The Clinic Video: Self Breast Exams.

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