The Clinic Blog

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month

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If you are reading this please take a moment to forward this to any woman that you know.

Each year more than 13,000 women in the US are diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer. These days cervical cancer is not only easy to detect but is also preventable if 2 things are done:

  1. Vaccination
  2. Papanicolaou Screening

Vaccination: HPV Vaccine

Human Papillomavirus vaccines can help prevent infection from the high risk subtypes of human papilloma virus that can cause cervical canceler and also some of the low risk types that can cause genital warts. Both men and women are recommended to be vaccinated. If given in the preteen years only 2 doses of the vaccine are needed however the vaccination is available for both men and women up to the age of 45 years old.

Papanicolaou Testing

Also more commonly known as the PapSmear is a test that is done to determine cell changes at the cervix cause by HPV. Typically when this gynecological test is done co-testing is done for HPV virus is done as well which is an important way to determine if there is HPV present.

If you have not had your Cervical Cancer screening done recently talk with your primary care provider.  As a primary care provider I routinely address basic well woman needs for my patients.  However, if you do not feel comfortable with your primary care provider then see a gynecologist

The most important thing is to make sure you are up to date on your Cervical Cancer Screening!

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