
The importance of sharing your story


My name is Kharia J. Homes, M.D.  I am a private practicing internal medicine physician in the D{M}V area but hailing from Texas.  So one might say I am a  #SouthernGirlTurnedNorth.   I am a woman of faith believing that as Sheryl Lee Ralph says I am a Divinely Inspired Victoriously Alive Medical Doctor On Call to help others #DIVAMDOnCall.  Through out my career I have learned that I am far from the perfection that is attributed to my profession #TheImPerfectMD but that trusting in my calling my imperfections are made perfect by my faith.  My patients have termed me #TheKhocDoc because I believe in Keenly Helping Others Cooperatively.   It is here in this vein that I start again with a rebrand and a new vision.

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We love to share something useful

Why now?  Is the question that I am asked by those that I have shared this project with.  What will be different? Is a question that plays in my mind.  The why now is easy I am at another transition point in my life.  As I started to contemplate this major change, thinking about my patients — the panel, the tribe that I have built and those that I know have and will feel abandoned.  I know that I have still so much to discuss with them and I crave a way to still in some capacity interact and engage with my tribe.  The what will be different is the lack or pressure.  Initially I wanted to be a social media sensation.  Now I just desire to impart knowledge that I hope will be shared.   

Take for example my first book; I wrote it for myself and for my son.  I wrote it because I had a story that I wanted to tell and a dream of authorship that I wanted to make a reality.   When I first started blogging I was fixated on the number of likes, followers, reposts, etc.  With time notoriety is not the goal I find myself seeking; self fulfillment is my benchmark.  If I can help one person that is my measure of success not the number of shares or likes.

I am blessed with the opportunity grow and learn.  Being a work in progress I share my truth with my patients so that they know that they are not alone, and you are not alone.  Our journey is not yet complete.  I hope you will continue the journey with me…