January is Cervical Health Awareness Month

If you have not had your Cervical Cancer screening done recently talk with your primary care provider. As a primary care provider I routinely address basic well woman needs for my patients.

7 Tips to Lower Exposure Risk For Coronavirus

As the United States reopens at various rates and stages I am frequently asked, “What can I do to protect myself?” As a provider this leaves me in a very frustrating position because …

COVID-19 Info a PCP Perspective

Coronaviruses are a class of virus which have many types; some causes disease or illness in animals or people. COVID-19 was named due to it origination in China in 2019.

Self-Breast Exams and Breast Self Awareness

Do you do self breast exams? If not do not feel ashamed there are many women that don’t. In fact the USPSTF and the ACOG no longer directly recommend monthly breast exams.

February: American Heart Month

Every day is a fresh start. If you have fallen off track or if you have not started on your goal. February is a great month to start again.